Federal Drug Charges Require A Unique Defense Strategy
Effectively defending yourself against federal criminal charges requires a different skill set than what most criminal defense lawyers possess. Federal courts operate under a different set of rules from Wisconsin state courts.
Many of the federal criminal charges that people face are related to drugs, including:
- Conspiracy
- Trafficking
- Manufacturing
No matter what the federal charges you are facing, attorney Stephen M. Govin can provide you with the strong defense you need. Call 414-373-5908 to schedule an initial consultation. Based in Milwaukee, Mr. Govin defends clients throughout the metro area and statewide.
Highly Skilled Defense For Federal Drug Charges
Understanding how these cases are investigated is very important to being able to build a successful defense. These investigations are often lengthy, complex and utilize sophisticated evidence-gathering techniques. Being able to fight the evidence in federal drug cases requires the ability to scrutinize these complex investigations.
Wiretaps are a common investigative tactic. Understanding how they are done and the requirements that must be met when pursuing warrants for a wiretap can allow a skilled defense attorney to fight to suppress any evidence gathered by a wiretap in violation of your rights.
Confidential Informants Are Not Always Truthful
Federal drug investigations can also be built upon the information of what law enforcement calls a “confidential informant.” These sources are commonly referred to as snitches. Many attorneys do not challenge the assertions, motivations and biases that a snitch presents.
You need an attorney who understands why a snitch is cooperating with law enforcement and the trial experience to attack the reliability and credibility of the snitch. Too often a snitch turns on the people who trust him or her. Otherwise good people are made to look like major drug traffickers to law enforcement.
Don’t let a snitch convince law enforcement and the prosecutors that you are something you are not — you need federal drug defense attorney Stephen Govin, who understands the culture and pitfalls inherent in federal drug cases.
Exceptional Criminal Defense Trial Attorney
At the Law Office of Stephen M. Govin, LLC, attorney Stephen Govin is highly skilled at building exceptionally strong cases for clients against federal criminal charges. His depth of understanding of how cases are won at the federal level helps his clients secure the best possible resolution to the charges they are facing.
An associated aspect of many federal drug charges is asset forfeiture. Stephen’s experience in fighting for the return of valuable assets can help ensure that you and your loved ones have the funds you need as you fight to protect yourself against federal crime charges.
Contact Stephen M. Govin For Experienced Drug Trafficking Defense
When you are facing federal criminal charges, you need a strong defense attorney. Stephen M. Govin has the proven experience to create a strong defense strategy to protect your rights and your future.
Schedule a consultation by calling 414-373-5908 or by emailing his office.