Criminal Convictions Have Long-Term Consequences For College Students
Are you a college student in Wisconsin who has been charged with a crime? Is your son or daughter facing a felony or misdemeanor conviction on their record? If the charges lead to a conviction, that seemingly innocent mistake in college at a party or football game could haunt him or her later in life.
Employers now screen job applicants carefully. Background checks include searching criminal records. If you have a conviction on your record, employers take this very seriously as an indication of what kind of employee someone will be. Even a minor infraction marring your background check could be grounds for rescinding a job offer.
Don’t take chances that could tarnish your record. Hire a Milwaukee criminal defense attorney who will work diligently to clear your name. At the Law Office of Stephen M. Govin, LLC, we take college student crimes cases very seriously.
Attorney Stephen Govin will work to have your charges reduced or dismissed. Call his office now to get started on your defense at 414-373-5908. He defends clients throughout the metro area and statewide.
Common Mistakes College Students Make
Everyone makes mistakes, but some mistakes end in criminal charges, making it harder to move on and forget they ever happened.
In college, these mistakes often involve:
- Driving under the influence (DUI/OWI charges)
- Underage drinking
- Charges of date rape or sexual assault
- Drugs charges, such as possession or distribution
- Traffic violations, such as speeding, reckless driving and other moving violations
- Vandalism or disorderly conduct charges
Schedule A Free Consultation To Discuss Your Case
Our student crimes lawyer works with students charged with crimes while attending schools throughout the University of Wisconsin System and other colleges in Wisconsin.
Stephen M. Govin‘s office is located in Milwaukee near the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee campus. Stephen is a graduate of Marquette University and believes everyone deserves a second chance. Call him at 414-373-5908 to discuss your case with a defense lawyer. Your future depends on it. You can also reach him via email.